Privacy Policy

Hello there! We want you to know about your privacy when you visit Here are some important things to understand:

  1. Your Information: When you visit our website, we don’t collect any personal information like your name, address, or phone number. We just want to give you cool info about TM WhatsApp.
  2. Cookies: We use cookies. But don’t worry, they are not the yummy kind! Cookies help us understand how people use our website. It’s like making sure our website works well and is easy for you to use.
  3. Ads and Links: Sometimes, there might be ads or links to other websites. We can’t control those websites, so always ask a grown-up for help if you want to visit them. Stay safe when clicking on ads or links.
  4. Sharing Information: We don’t share any of your information with other people or companies. Your privacy is important to us!
  5. Ask Grown-ups: If you ever want to sign up for something on our website or want to know more about TM WhatsApp, always ask a grown-up for help. They can guide you and make sure everything is okay.

We care about your privacy and want you to feel safe when you visit If you have any questions or need help, talk to a grown-up or reach out to us. We’re here to help you have a great time while being safe online!

Thank you for being a part of our website! Team